By Technology: Portals and Content Management
Portal frameworks provide the basis for many types of web sites and web-based applications. Because the requirements vary widely, we offer a variety of platforms to start from, including our own framework, custom implementations, open source portals, and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server and SharePoint Services. One of these options is right for your portal and we will help you to determine which one.
Our portal solutions include enterprise-wide single sign-on, role-based and individual security contexts, user customization of the UI, and several content management tools. Some also include collaboration features such as document sharing, revision control, and threaded discussions.
Content Management is a frequent portal requirement, though the needed features vary greatly. We provide custom-developed systems for limited scopes as well as complete CMS systems, such as Microsoft Content Management Server, that support a large number of authors and complex approval cycles. Our CM tools can output content that you edit, or that your site customizes, in multiple formats including HTML and PDF.