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 Software system architects, developers, and integratorsTuesday, February 18, 2025 

By Business Solution:
    ~ IT Strategy and Architecture
    ~ Custom Application Development
    ~ Business Integration / Automation
    ~ Public and Private Portals
    ~ Get More From Your Data
    ~ Systems Integration
By Technology:
By Industry:
By Business Solution: Systems Integration

Can you teach an old system new tricks? Sure, but it may not be cost-effective. Your legacy systems run your business, but they are not as flexible as you need them to be. Reconfiguring a process or adding support for a new type of transaction can be prohibitively expensive. Worse yet, if your mainframe programmers are busy doing frequent maintenance, these new feature requests may find themselves on a long list of things you wish there was time to do.

Once the data and business processes on your legacy systems are accessible, you can use them from off-the-shelf products and custom applications. This enables you to:
  • incorporate that information into business intelligence tools, workflows, reporting and notification services, mobile applications and more.
  • give your employees, customers, or vendors secure view-only or transactional access via Portals, desktop or web applications, or web services.
  • develop solutions without incurring mainframe or enterprise application development overhead
If your application is typical, your investment in this capability will be returned quickly and repeatedly.

If you are considering migrating from a large system rather than just interfacing to one, we can help with that as well. Our approach enables a more gradual transition that proves the scalability and reliability of new systems before investing in a complete conversion.

See Also:
 Services: By Technology: Legacy Systems Integration
 Services: By Technology: Web Services / XML / SOA